Create Content You Love, Not Just What Performs Best

A creators desk with art, records, a guitar and recording studio set up to show that when you create content you love, it doesn't matter if the audience likes it.

Poddy People! In this post, I’m taking things in a different direction than the internets usually content creation mumbo jumbo. Instead of diving deep into analytics and data, I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind lately: creating content you love, without always obsessing over your target audience or the minutiae of…

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Amazon Influencer Program: The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

A description of The Amazon Influencer Program

Amazon Influencer Program, huh? Are you scratching your head? Yes, this is a real thing, and while I hate the term “influencer,” I truly believe that taking part in the Amazon Influencer Program is THE EASIEST WAY to make money online. So, what the hell am I talking about? Well, by promoting Amazon products, “influencers”…

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Gain vs Volume: A Podcaster’s Guide to Clean Audio

Demonstrating the where the gain is vs volume on the scarlet 2i2 audio interface

When recording your podcast, do you ever find yourself cranking up your volume to rock concert levels only to realize your podcast sounds more like a whispered secret? If this is you, perhaps you don’t understand gain vs volume conundrum. This can be a confusing concept for podcasters. So, in this post we’re teaching you…

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