8 Essential Podcast Recording Tips

Before hitting “record,” it’s essential to know some key podcast recording tips to ensure a smooth recording session.

This post offers a quick rundown of the basics—practical steps that every podcaster should take, whether it’s their first or fiftieth episode.

No deep dives here, just straightforward tips that lay the foundation for a quality recording.

From testing your gear and getting your microphone settings right to considering your recording environment, these simple yet crucial practices will help you capture clean, professional sound and avoid common pitfalls.

It may seem redundant but it never surprises me how new and experienced podcasters forget to do some of these things. It’s almost comical.

But hey, I worked in professional recording studios for years, so these things seem like second nature to me.

In any case, let’s break down what you need to know before you press “record.”

Podcast Recording Tip #1 – Test Your Equipment

Before you even begin to record your first episode, you are going to want to test all your equipment.

It may sound obvious, but make sure your microphone is actually turned on before you start recording.

Many podcasters have had to scrap a recording because the mic was off, leading to lost time and effort.

Always double-check that your mic is powered, unmuted, and properly connected to avoid that “oops” moment later on.

Podcast Recording Tip #2 – Wear Headphones

You will want to have an idea of how you sound, in the room that you’re in. Headphones are A MUST.

How the hell else are you going to hear how you sound?

Too many people just plug their damn mic’s in and hit record.

This is your time to play, and learn, with your setup.

If you take away just one tip from this page, let it be this: always wear your headphones when recording. Do not start recording an episode without them.

You need to hear how you sound so you can adjust your tone, vocal projection, and proximity to the mic effectively

Podcast Tip #3 – Do Some Vocal Warmups

Just like an actor, singer, or person giving a speech, your voice is important.

It is an instrument. Don’t be afraid to warm it up.

Feel free to use vocal exercises. Loosen the muscles in your face and neck by performing head rolls, lip buzzing (like doing raspberries when you were a kid), and yawning.

You can hum, and make nonsense noises, anything that relaxes your facial muscles and vocalcords.

Podcast Tip #4 – Check Your Microphone Levels

You want to capture a healthy signal so your voice sounds clear. Getting a clean, full signal will also make editing your podcast much easier.

When setting the “right” level, it all depends on the gear you’re using, but a good rule of thumb is to start with your gain at about 70% of its max and then adjust from there. If your device has color-coded metering, here’s a trick:

  • Green: Go ahead—crank the gain a bit more.
  • Yellow: Slow down; you want your signal to touch the yellow but not stay there.
  • Orange: The gain is too hot; dial it back slightly.
  • Red: That’s a wrap—your gain is way too high and likely distorting. Pull it back!

Ideally, you want a mostly green signal with peaks occasionally reaching into the yellow.

Remember, different mics require different amounts of gain. If you’ve learned anything about podcasting so far, hopefully, you’re using a dynamic microphone, which requires more gain.

But if you’re using a condenser mic (against my better judgment), you won’t need to crank the gain as much—these mics are sensitive.

Still confused about setting gain and microphone levels? I wrote a detailed article on the difference between gain and volume. Give it a read ASAP to learn 1) what gain is, 2) what volume is, and 3) how to set the right levels for both.

Podcast Recording Tip #5 – Check Your Camera Setup

Before hitting record, double-check that your camera is on and positioned correctly.

Make sure you’re nicely framed in the shot with good lighting, and take a moment to tidy up or creatively style your background—it sets the tone for your recording.

A clean, engaging background and well-framed shot can elevate your visual presence and make your podcast more professional.

Podcast Recording Tip #6 – Eliminate Background Noise and Distractions

While checking your equipment and listening on headphones, be mindful of any extra sounds that could interfere with your audio quality.

Listen closely for things like squeaky chairs, creaky desks, or background noises from air conditioning or fans.

Even seemingly small distractions—like the rustling of papers, clinking jewelry, or the sound of certain fabrics—can affect your recording.

The goal is to create a clean audio environment, so minimize any potential disruptions. Remove noisy accessories, opt for quieter clothing, and ensure your recording space is free from distracting sounds.

If something makes a noise when you move, adjust, or breathe, it’s worth addressing before you start recording.

Being aware of your surroundings will help produce clearer audio and a better listener experience.

A clean recording space equals a clean podcast!

Podcast Recording Tip #7 – Have Notes and Show Prep Ready

While you want to maintain a natural flow in your conversation, a bit of structure is key to staying on track. Outlines and show prep are crucial for guiding your discussion, ensuring the episode flows smoothly, and helping you keep an eye on time.

Your prep doesn’t need to be overly detailed—a simple list of questions or bullet points will do, especially for interviews.

The goal is to have a reference to guide you without sounding too scripted.

As you record, take quick notes or mark down time codes for any slip-ups, memorable moments, or sections you may want to edit later. This quick prep will make the recording process smoother and the editing process more efficient.

Podcast Recording Tip #8 – Hydrate Early and Often

I always forget to do this for my podcast!

Make sure to have water available to everyone in the session.

You’re talking, your mouth is going to dry out. This may lead to vocal clicks and pops which are annoying AF when they get baked into podcast recordings

What you will want to avoid is liquids that will change your vocal tone, breathing pattern, or make your saliva thick. Also, avoid anything with bubbles or dairy.

Podcast Recording Tips Wrap Up

With these podcast recording tips, you’ll be ready to hit record with confidence and produce high-quality episodes that sound great.

Remember to test your equipment, be mindful of your environment, and prep thoroughly so you can stay on track and focused.

Repetition is key—the more you practice these habits, the more natural they’ll become, turning them into second nature for a smooth recording session and a professional-sounding podcast your listeners will love.

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