Podcastpage: How To Create a Podcast Website

Creating a dedicated website for your podcast is a great idea. It adds value to your existing content, and a podcast website serves as a home base for your audience. It’s where they can access episodes and stay up to date with everything happening in your ecosystem. Having a website for your podcast will help…

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How To Find Sponsors And Monetize Your Podcast

There’s a lot that goes into finding sponsors and monetizing your podcast. You’ve got to connect with brands, negotiate CPMs, and navigate the different types of podcast ads. It’s a daunting process, but I’m here to help. In this article, I’m breaking down how to find sponsors so that you can monetize your podcast. I’m…

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How To Book Podcast Guests With Instagram

Are you an indie podcaster who’s looking for ways to find and connect with potential podcast guests? If so, I’m about to hook you up. I developed a system for finding, connecting, and booking amazing podcast guests. Keeping reading to learn how to book podcast guests via Instagram. To hear some of the guests I’ve…

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Unlock SEO and Discoverability with Podcast Show Notes

Have you been struggling to unlock SEO and discoverability with your podcast? If so, listen up. I’m going to show you how well-written podcast show notes can exponentially grow your podcast. I’m also going to outline the exact steps and strategies I use to achieve success for my own podcast and for the podcasters I…

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How To Launch a Podcast

Ouf, the ever-pressing podcast launch. It seems so simple, you record an episode, edit it, and publish it. Then, podcasters around the world flock to it, downloads skyrocket, sponsorship money starts rolling in, and BOOM, you quit your job. You’re now a full-time podcaster. Fortunately or unfortunately, it doesn’t normally work like that. Podcast launches…

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Market Your Podcast with Apple Podcasts Marketing Tools

In this article, I’m diving into the Apple Podcasts Marketing Tools. These little-known tools are a great way to boost your content with custom Apple assets and links. Plus, as we all know, growing your show on Apple Podcasts is the most important factor in determining the long term success of your podcast. If you’re…

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How To Monetize Your Podcast The Traditional Way

The Traditional Route To Monetization At some point in your podcasting journey, you’re likely going to want to monetize your podcast. While it’s not easy, it IS possible. But, it takes a while, so you’ve got to be patient. Unless you’re already an influencer or have a built-in fanbase in your niche, it’s going to…

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How To Write Show Notes For Your Podcast

The stress of trying to write good show notes

It’s important that your relationship with your audience extends beyond audio. This is where show notes come in. Podcast show notes are a written description of the content covered in an episode. Show Notes can be viewed by clicking on an episode’s info within podcast listening apps. Many podcasters also post them on their website.…

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