How To Hook New Listeners with Podcast Intros

Podcast intros, what are they? How do you create one? How can you use them to hook in your listeners and build more engagement? Well, there are several different techniques that people use to kick off their shows. So, in this article, I’m outlining them for you, as well as a couple ways to drive…

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Utilizing The Six Podcast Show Formats

How do you structure your podcast and what is a show format? A format is the way that you keep your content organized and consistent. Without one, your show might seem a little random and disjointed. Sticking to a format is the key to retaining your audience, and easing your production workflow. In this post,…

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How To Choose A Name For Your Podcast

The name of your podcast has to be attention grabbing and fit the style and the vibe of your brand. With over two million podcasts in existence, the hardest part might honestly be finding a name that doesn’t already exist. I’m going to help you with that. In this post, I’ll be covering how to…

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The Top 5 Audio Interfaces For Podcasters

Choosing the right gear can make or break your podcasting journey, and that’s why we’ve compiled The Top 5 Audio Interfaces For Podcasters to guide you through the maze. This article is more than just a list; it’s a comprehensive review and features guide designed to first demystify what an audio interface does, and then…

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How To Create Great Podcast Cover Art

Showing a podcast cover on an iphone

Never judge a book by it’s cover. Ha! More often than not, that is exactly how a book is judged, at first, and then of course by reading the back or inside of that cover. Your podcast cover art is not very different. Your podcast cover art is the first thing your listeners will see…

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The Best 5 Places To Get Royalty-Free Podcast Music

Hey Poddy People, Before you even launch the first episode of your brand new podcast, you’re gonna need some tunes to set the vibe. Music isn’t just an afterthought; it’s a crucial element that helps set the tone for your show and allows listeners to connect more deeply with you as the host. But hold…

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Acoustic Treatment Fundamentals for Podcast Recording

Have you soundproofed your podcast studio yet? Let’s try a little experiment, shall we? Go into a room, any room, close the door, close the windows, the closet or any other opened spaces, and yell. The words don’t really matter, heck you can sing the alphabet if you’d like, just do it at a good…

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Why Consistency in Podcast Format and Style Is Key

Why Consistency in Podcast Format and Style Is Key - The Podcast Haven

Stop! Don’t leave, you are at the right blog. I know right about now you are scratching your head, looking at the photo, and thinking to yourself. “Huh… How does… I thought this was… Wait, did I eat breakfast?” Trust me you are where you intended to be. Welcome to the fourth section of pre-podcast…

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The Perfect Podcast Episode Length and Publishing Schedule

Look at that, you have arrived in the nick of time. This is the last element of your podcast’s pre-production. When you have done this final segment, you will have built the first pillar to a strong, successful podcast. Congratulations! You’ve got all your base elements, and like the star of any opera, let’s end…

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Naming Your Podcast: What’s in a Name?

Your podcast is your baby, and as every parent knows, you have to give your baby a name. Otherwise how will people know what to call them when they are boasting and bragging about how awesome they are? If you want your podcast to be known, naming your podcast is very, very important. In saying…

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