My Results Buying Podcast Downloads From mowPod: Part 2

Welcome back to the pod.

I’m Eric, your host at Clipped, the podcast that brings you the tools, resources, and people to make you a better podcaster. This episode  is a part two on last week’s episode, where we delved into the service called mowPod

If you haven’t watched or listened to last week’s episode, I highly recommend checking that out first.

Understanding mowPod

mowPod is an online podcast marketing agency that allows podcasters to pay for boosting specific episodes to get more downloads and reach a broader audience.

This service is episode-based rather than focusing on the podcast as a whole. One notable feature of mowPod is its self-serve option for indie podcasters, where you essentially purchase downloads.

The Initial mowPod Boost Campaign

Last week, I decided to boost an episode that I released on May 15th, 2024, titled “How to Use SEO to Rank Higher in Apple Podcast Search Rankings.” 

I purchased a campaign for $100 and received 111 downloads. The website provides a clear breakdown of the number of downloads you can expect based on your payment amount.

The minimum spend is $100, and the maximum spend is $1,000. For $1,000, you get 1,111 downloads, which works out to approximately 0.82 cents per download. The number of downloads you receive scales with the amount you spend.

One thing I noticed was the speed at which the downloads occurred. The campaign lasted for about 48 hours, and there was a noticeable difference in my download numbers almost immediately.

Analyzing mowPod’s Results

Here’s a breakdown of the results I saw:

  • Impressions: 6,370
  • Plays: 207
  • IAB Downloads: 172

For those unfamiliar, IAB certified downloads are considered a standard in the podcast industry, signaling a legitimate download.

Geographical Reach and Devices

Interestingly, the downloads came predominantly from California and Pennsylvania. Most of the plays were from mobile and tablet devices.

While I expected more plays from desktop users (especially those at work), it appears mobile users dominate.

mowPod Banner Ads and Efficiency

mowPod uses banner ads for promoting podcast episodes. These ads displayed a clear “Listen Now” call to action, which I found effective. However, these are placed on websites. I’m not confident that people browsing the web want to click on a link to a podcast at any given moment.

What Next?

After achieving the downloads I paid for, the big question was: What next? More downloads are great, but the ultimate goal is gaining loyal followers or subscribers.

For now, I intend to track the impact over a more extended period and see if these downloads translate into sustained growth and new listeners.

mowPod Wrap Up

Using mowPod was an enlightening experience. The quick boost in downloads is exciting, but retention and growth remain a long-term game.

Effective marketing is still about providing quality content consistently and engaging with your audience. While mowPod can offer an initial push, falling back on tried and trusted methods like podcast swaps and promo drops might be more sustainable for long-term growth.

Until next time, keep listening, keep engaging, keep creating!

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