How To Launch a Podcast

Ouf, the ever-pressing podcast launch. It seems so simple, you record an episode, edit it, and publish it. Then, podcasters around the world flock to it, downloads skyrocket, sponsorship money starts rolling in, and BOOM, you quit your job. You’re now a full-time podcaster. Fortunately or unfortunately, it doesn’t normally work like that. Podcast launches…

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How To Choose A Name For Your Podcast

The name of your podcast has to be attention grabbing and fit the style and the vibe of your brand. With over two million podcasts in existence, the hardest part might honestly be finding a name that doesn’t already exist. I’m going to help you with that. In this post, I’ll be covering how to…

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The Top 5 Reasons To Start A Podcast

Have you been thinking about starting a podcast for your brand or business? If so you’re in the right place. In this blog post, I’m going to be talking about my top 5 reasons to start a podcast and how a podcast can help you grow your mission, build credibility in your industry, and expand…

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How To Make Money With A Podcast

The road to monetization can take many twists and turns. In our last article, we covered securing sponsorships for your podcast. But in reality, if your show isn’t getting 10,000 plus downloads per episode, it’ll be difficult to partner with an agency and get ad space sold for your show. Fortunately, there are various other…

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Why You Should Transcribe Your Podcasts

One of the most important items you can place in your toolbox for marketing is transcribing your podcast. Why should you transcribe your podcast? Your transcription will become an invaluable source to draw in a wider audience to your podcast by making it more accessible to those who may not have the ability to listen…

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What Is An RSS Feed For Podcasting?

Really Simple Syndication feed or RSS feed, may seem less than simple if you have no clue what it is or what it does for you as a podcaster to begin with. Let’s dispel the myth that this is some technically challenging mobo jumbo, and free your mind from the frustration and confusion that may…

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