Picking Your Podcast’s Unique Niche

Picking Your Podcast’s Unique Niche - The Podcast Haven

You’ve got your ‘why’. Now it’s time to pick your niche. Which is preferred to picking your…nevermind – let’s just move ahead. Remember we previously discussed where your ‘why’ would fit? This place is called your niche, and it’s unique to you, and your podcast. With so many available podcasts out there, in the virtual…

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Remote Podcast Recording Via Zoom

Remote podcast recording via Zoom is fairly straightforward and you can likely get up and running without any instruction. But, as a podcaster you’re going to want the best audio and video quality. You’re not going to want to use the generic settings Zoom has in place for work meetings or friendly chats. One thing…

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Tips for Conducting Better Podcast Interviews

Tips for Conducting Better Podcast Interviews - The Podcast Haven

Good podcast interviews make for good listening. If your podcast show format is relying heavily on interviews, it’s good to be prepared by doing your research on the guest and having a plan for the direction you want to take the interview. Interviews can be intimidating and often get thrown off course, so the more…

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6 Popular Podcast Formats

6 Popular Podcast Formats - The Podcast Haven

Staying consistent with podcast formats is just as important as producing content within your podcast niche. Your audience will come to expect your show to be more or less the same each week. It would feel odd to the listeners if one week you ranted, the next week you sat down and interviewed an expert…

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3 Podcast Monetization Options

3 Podcast Monetization Options - The Podcast Haven

The dream of all podcasters is to get paid to make their podcast. In todays world with the rapid rise and continued growth of podcasting, podcast monetization is completely realistic. You might not make a living from your podcast, but if you have a well-produced show with a solid following, you could make some money…

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8 Essentials for Creating Quality Podcasts

8 Essentials for Creating Quality Podcasts - The Podcast Haven

In the amazing futuristic world we live in, you can record and publish podcasts with your smartphone. You can record podcasts on your phone and the quality will be decent. Make no mistakes about it, the emphasis of a great podcast is quality sound. We’re here to let you know everything you need to create…

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How to Gain More Podcast Listeners

How to Gain More Podcast Listeners - The Podcast Haven

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a timeless question to provoke thought, but a more relevant question is “If you record a podcast and no one listens to it, what good is it?” Seriously, you could have the most entertaining…

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Podcast Movement 2018

Podcast Movement 2018 - The Podcast Haven

The Podcast Movement is the largest convention and gathering of podcasters and podcast industry folks in the world. Industry professionals from around the world will be gathering in Philadelphia this summer, from July 23rd-26th to learn, network and ultimately grow the podcasting industry. There will be panels, Q&A’s, breakout sessions, keynote speakers, awards and parties.…

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