showing that when you start a podcast nobody has a an audience. You've gotta work hard to build one

How To Start a Podcast With No Audience: 8 Actionable Tips Build An Audience

Starting a podcast with no audience might seem like a paradox—how can you have an audience for a podcast that doesn’t even exist yet?

The truth is, everyone starts with zero listeners. Even celebrities, athletes, or influencers begin with no specific podcast audience.

Once you hit that record button and publish your first episode, that’s when things get real.

Right off the bat, an audience is about tapping into your existing network—friends, family, and your social media followers. You can get at least a few of them to listen, and a small percentage will enjoy it enough to keep coming back.

From there, it’s all about leveraging multiple strategies to grow your audience consistently over time.

That’s what I’ll be focusing on in this post.

Ready ya filthy animal?

Define Who You Think Your Audience Will Be

When you’re starting out, defining a specific niche and audience is essential. This isn’t just about picking a topic you like; it’s about finding a subject where you can provide your interests and experience.

Identify the kind of listener who would COULD be interested in your show. Then, create a profile of this ideal audience member—what they do, what problems they face, and what kind of content they love.

Even if you don’t have a ready-made audience, targeting a clear niche helps you attract the right listeners.

When people find content that speaks directly to them, they’re more likely to become loyal fans. By narrowing your focus, you make it easier for the right people to find you.

Launching Your Podcast

Obviously, you’ve gotta launch your show to start getting an audience. Instead of going into detail in this post on how to launch your podcast, check out these two articles:

Promote Your Podcast: Getting Your First Listeners

Promotion is where most new podcasters struggle, but it’s also where you can set yourself apart. While the content is king, no one will listen if they don’t know you exist.

Below are 8 ways to build an audience.

Leverage Your Existing Network

Start by promoting your podcast within your own circle.

Share episodes on your personal social media accounts, email your friends and family, and ask them to listen, rate and review, and share with their friends and families.

This initial push is HUGE, and can make the difference between gaining early traction and get lost in the noise.

Don’t be afraid to directly ask for help.

Encourage your existing network to leave reviews and ratings on podcast directories—it’s going to feel weird asking, but if you don’t have the guts to ask family and friends, how are you going to evolve into a confident podcaster?

Pitch to Podcast Apps and Directories

Many podcast listen apps, have editorial teams that feature new or noteworthy podcasts.

These apps are always on the lookout for fresh content to promote, so make sure your pitch stands out. Highlight any unique angles, early listener feedback, or why your show would resonate with their audience.

Follow their instructions exactly—missing a step could cost you your chance.

Submit Your Podcast for Featured Placement on These Listening Apps:

to show what the actual apple request form looks like

Apple’s Promotion Request form

Utilize Podcast Newsletters To Build An Audience

Getting featured in podcast newsletters is another effective way to gain exposure. Pitch your podcast to newsletters like Podnews, Podcast Movement, The Noise Gate, Ear Buds Collective, Podcasting Business Journal, and others you can find.

A well-placed feature can attract listeners quickly.

Join Podcast Communities

Join podcast networks or communities where you can collaborate and cross-promote with other podcasters.

Networking in these spaces allows you to tap into other shows’ audiences that are likely to enjoy your content.

Reddit: Subreddits such as r/podcasting and r/podcast provide great opportunities to connect with fellow podcasters, share episodes, receive feedback, and explore cross-promotion.

Facebook Groups: Communities like Podcast Movement Community and Podcasters’ Support Group are perfect for sharing episodes, seeking advice, and collaborating on guest swaps or promotional strategies.

Discord Servers: Join servers like Podcast Junkie Discord or Podcasters’ Paradise to engage with podcasters at all levels, exchange tips, share content, and arrange cross-promotion opportunities.

Invest in Podcast Advertising

Consider allocating a budget to run ads on podcast-related platforms. Platforms like Overcast, Buzzsprout, and mowpod offer self-serve ad slots that can help increase your visibility.

These ads appear to users who are already interested in podcasts, which means they’re more likely to click and listen.

Running ads on platforms where your target audience already hangs out is a smart move. It helps get your podcast in front of people who are more likely to follow your show and engage.

Start with a small budget, track the results, and scale up as you see growth. Additionally, it’s important to remember that each of these platforms has its own audience and pricing model, so it’s worth experimenting to see where you get the best return on investment.

Get Your Podcast On YouTube for Discoverability

YouTube is a powerful search engine, and posting your podcast episodes there can increase discoverability.

Many people use YouTube to listen to podcasts, and having a presence there can attract a new audience segment that might not find you on traditional podcast directories.

Even if you don’t have video content, you can upload audio with a static image or create simple visuals that align with your brand.

The key is to use SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, and tags to help people find your content.

Participate In Podcast Swaps

Podcast swaps are a great way for new podcasters to reach an audience from zero.

A swap involves two podcasters promoting each other’s shows—typically through short ads, guest appearances, or content shares.

Find a partner with a similar audience, agree on a swap type, and create engaging content that appeals to their listeners.

Benefits of Podcast Swaps:

Reach New Listeners: Tap into an audience already interested in content like yours.

Cost-Effective: Promote your podcast for free through mutually beneficial partnerships.

Build Trust: Gain credibility through recommendations from trusted hosts.

Networking Opportunities: Create connections that can lead to future collaborations.

By participating in podcast swaps, you can effectively build your audience and community from the start.

Engage With Your Small But Mighty Audience

Spotify Comments

Starting a podcast with no audience means every little bit of engagement counts, and Spotify’s new Comments feature that allows listeners to leave comments directly on your episodes is a rad!

Encourage your listeners to use this feature by inviting them to share their thoughts, reactions, or questions during your episodes.

Make it a point to interact with these comments—reply, acknowledge, and engage.

This not only builds a sense of community but also keeps your show active on Spotify, potentially improving its visibility on the platform.

Promote Your Podcast and Share Ideas Through YOUR Newsletter

When launching a new podcast without an established audience, creating an email newsletter from the very beginning is a smart move.

This allows you to directly communicate with your subscribers, share new episodes, provide additional content, and gather feedback.

Use your newsletter to build a personal connection with your audience, offering exclusive updates or behind-the-scenes looks that make subscribers feel like they’re part of your show’s journey.

This helps build trust with your audience.

The Podcast Haven uses Beehiiv for our email newsletter.

Starting a Podcast With no Audience? No Sweat!

Starting a podcast with no audience may feel like an uphill battle, but it’s all about leveraging what you have, building steadily, and remembering to breathe, because all podcasters start without an audience.

So screw it, embrace the chaos, lean into your network, and go rogue with your promotion tactics. Define your niche so precisely that your ideal listeners feel like you’re speaking directly to them, one-on-one.

Get creative—pitch to apps, cozy up in communities, swap promos like they’re trading cards, and bring the heat with podcast ads.

Treat every single listener like gold because they are your tribe, and they’re out there waiting to find you. You’ve got the roadmap, you’ve got the tools—now it’s time to get loud, get weird, and make some serious noise.

Your audience is out there; go claim them!

Keep Listening, Keep Creating, and Keep Engaging

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