The Best Podcast Hosting Platforms of 2024

In this blog post, we’ll be covering the best podcast hosting platforms of 2024

We’re talking about podcast hosting sites, not to be confused with a “podcast host”, someone who sits behind a microphone and hosts a show.

Podcast hosts are not the same as game show hosts or even television talk shows or late-night hosts. Podcast hosts aren’t going to announce special guest stars, grand prizes, or call you down to be the next superstar.

However, they are super important when it comes to getting your podcast out onto Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all the other listening apps.

In fact, that’s exactly what podcast hosting platforms do.

They distribute your episodes.

*We review products independently and only write about products that we believe in and trust. If you signup or purchase anything from the links below, we may receive a small commission, at no extra charge to you.

What Are Podcast Hosting Platforms?

You’ve recorded, and edited, now it’s time to launch that first episode out into the ears and minds of waiting listeners everywhere. But, where do you begin?

You choose a podcast hosting platform of course.

This is where you’ll upload your episodes and fire them off into the podcast universe.

Now, if you are thinking, “Great, I’ll upload my show to Spotify and Apple each week”, that isn’t going to work.

Apps like Spotify, and Apple are not podcast hosts, they are directories. Podcast directories are where you listen to podcasts. Apple Podcasts and Spotify are directories for listening to podcasts.

Think of a podcast hosting platform as your distribution hub.

Still, scratching your head?

You could also think of podcast hosting platforms as the store stock person placing products on the shelves, and those shelves are your listening apps.

This is where you’ll peruse the available products, which will represent your podcast.

To show how RSS feeds send your show out to all the listening apps. Podcasting hosting platforms create RSS feeds automatically

Podcast Hosting Platforms Create RSS Feeds

You upload an episode to your host, and your host sends your episode to the various podcast directories you’ve selected, through what’s called an RSS feed.

An RSS feed is computer code that acts as the messenger between your podcast host and podcast directories.

Once you publish an episode in your podcast hosting platform, your host sends your RSS feed to all the listening apps. Those listening apps intercept your RSS feed and make it available for listening and for download within their app.

Your episode will go live on the listening apps almost instantly after you’ve hit publish in your podcast host.

To put it simply, an RSS feed creates an automated process to syndicate your podcast.

Podcast Hosting Platforms Create Analytics For Your Podcast

Your podcast hosting platform is where you’ll see your download numbers and listening demographics across all podcast directories.

Podcast analytics are the catalyst you’ll use to make the decisions that will grow your show.

Tracking your best-performing episodes and listener demographics will give you insight into what is working with your podcast.

Podcast hosting platforms offer different tools and analytical breakdowns. Not all of them provide the same type of data.

Here are some analytical tools you may want to look for when choosing your podcast host:

  • Total Downloads
  • Total Downloads Per Episode
  • Number of Unique Downloads
  • Downloads Per Directory
  • Location of Listeners
  • Which Device Was Used to Download Episodes

The Best Podcast Hosting Platforms of 2024

Castos – Creator Friendly

Castos, “Gives you the tools to grow your audience and connect with your community”.

With Castos you can publish unlimited episodes regardless of which plan you choose. Users can record longer episodes, or launch a second show without hitting a storage limit.

Their free WordPress plug-in enables podcasters to create and manage episodes from within their WordPress dashboard. Also, Castos’ easy-to-read analytical insights give podcasters the data they need to increase engagement and pitch sponsors.

Looking to repurpose your content?

With their YouTube Republishing, you can automatically convert your audio podcasts to video, and auto-publish them to your YouTube channel.

YouTube is the world’s 2nd biggest search engine, so this feature will significantly boost your podcast’s SEO.

Castos also offers transcription for each of your episodes. It’s part of their integration offerings.

In fact, Castos integrates with Zapier, descript, ConvertKit, elementor and more.

All these features make Castos one of our favorite podcast hosting platforms of 2024.

Captivate – Creator Friendly is a unique podcast hosting platform designed specifically to help podcasters grow their audience and monetize their content.

What sets Captivate apart is its user-friendly interface and robust set of tools tailored for growth. It offers unlimited podcasts, team members, and advanced analytics to help users understand their audience better.

Captivate also includes built-in marketing tools, such as a customizable podcast website, and calls-to-action within podcast players.

Additionally, its dynamic content insertion feature allows podcasters to update ads and messages across all episodes seamlessly, making it a versatile and powerful choice for serious podcasters.

Our friend Ana at The Podcast Space uses Captivate and speaks highly of it!

Omny Studio – Enterprise Friendly

Omny Studio is one of the most advanced podcast hosting sites around. Like all hosting sites, with Omny Studio you can effortlessly publish episodes to all the main directories, transcribe episodes, and generate revenue from a variety of monetization options.

But, that’s just the half of it.

Their coolest feature is their built-in audio capture system. You can record high-quality audio directly into their website, similar to, or Squadcast. Recorded files are securely stored on their cloud storage system.

Also unique to Omny Studio is its editing feature. You can edit your podcast audio, on their site, right in your web browser. There’s no software to install, and you can dynamically insert ad markers.

If all these features sound like overkill, they might be. Omny Studio is geared more toward enterprise level podcasters and people who podcast for a living. It’s a pricier option.

Libsyn – For All Levels Of Podcaster

The OG of podcast hosting. Libsyn starts with a monthly storage of 50MB for $5 a month, and travels all the way up to 3,000MB at a deal of $150 a month. Libsyn offers you six different plans, with advanced tools and the ability to monetize.

Libsyn’s features include a variety of statistics to better see how your episodes are performing, with stats that narrow the demographics down to days, weeks, and months.

You’ll be able to see where your podcast is performing the best geographically, and on what platforms it is downloaded the most. This will be beneficial to you when it comes to marketing.

You’ll have access to an unlimited audience, directory listings, app listings, and comments that can be switched on and off per episode. In fact, we host our podcast CLIPPED, with Libsyn.

Megaphone – For The Serious Podcaster

Owned by Spotify, Megaphone is a premier podcast hosting platform known for its enterprise-level features and seamless integration with Spotify.

Designed for professional podcasters and networks, Megaphone offers advanced tools for monetization and audience growth.

Key features include dynamic ad insertion, which allows podcasters to effortlessly manage and update ads across all episodes, ensuring maximum revenue potential.

Additionally, Megaphone’s integration with Spotify’s audience network enables monetization via programmatic ads.

Its secure, reliable hosting infrastructure ensures high-quality streaming and an exceptional listener experience, making it a top choice for serious podcasters.

Buzzsprout – Great For Creators

Buzzsprout is a popular podcast hosting platform celebrated for its ease of use and comprehensive features designed to support podcasters at all levels.

One standout feature is its monetization options, which include affiliate marketing programs and listener support features that help podcasters generate income from their shows.

Buzzsprout also excels in social media integration, allowing users to easily share episodes on various platforms to increase reach and engagement.

Additionally, Buzzsprout offers Magic Mastering, a tool that optimizes audio files for professional quality sound with a single click, ensuring every episode sounds its best.

Other notable features include detailed analytics to track podcast performance, customizable podcast websites, and easy-to-use episode scheduling and publishing tools.

With its combination of user-friendly features and advanced options, Buzzsprout is a fantastic choice for podcasters looking to grow and monetize their content effectively in 2024.

Which Podcast Hosting Platform Is Right For You In 2024?

Choosing the right podcast hosting platform is essential for any podcaster aiming to grow their audience and monetize their content effectively. Each platform reviewed offers unique features that cater to different needs.

Castos stands out with its unlimited episodes, seamless WordPress integration, and YouTube Republishing for enhanced visibility. Captivate is ideal for those looking for robust growth tools and dynamic ad insertion.

Omny Studio provides enterprise-level solutions with built-in audio capture and editing capabilities, while Libsyn’s tiered pricing and comprehensive analytics cater to podcasters of all levels.

Megaphone, with its strong Spotify integration, is perfect for professional podcasters seeking advanced monetization options.

Lastly, Buzzsprout combines ease of use with powerful monetization and social media tools.

Whichever platform you choose, make sure it aligns with your podcasting goals and offers the features that best support your journey.

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