Podchaser: It’s Purpose and Features

The layout of the podchaser homepage

Podchaser is a comprehensive podcast database and discovery tool that aims to enhance the podcasting experience for both creators and listeners by providing a robust set of tools to discover, engage, and promote podcasts. Let’s take a look at some of the main features of Podchaser and the purposes it serves. What is Podchaser? Podchaser…

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Chartable: A Guide To Podcast Analytics and Growth

A bar chart of my podcasts audience, broken down by listening app.

One of the go-to resources for podcasters all over the world, Chartable is making waves in the podcasting industry because of its comprehensive suite of analytics, attribution tools, and authoritative podcast charts. Here is everything you need to know about Chartable podcast analytics and growth so you can boost your podcast and put it into…

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Epidemic Sound: The Best Royalty-Free Music Library For Content Creators

To show some of Epidemic Sound's music and SFX categories

It’s the little extras that can really make or break the production of your podcast. Your show might sound fantastic already, with interesting content and excellent audio quality, but elements like killer intro music or incidental SFX can make a huge difference. But finding high-quality music and audio to use for these purposes can be…

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Unpacking Podcast Jobs: Key Roles Explained

the purpose of this is to show someone in pursuit of podcast jobs

From true crime to self-help advice and everything in between, podcasts have become a staple in the lives of millions. While the focus is often on the charismatic hosts and engaging content, behind the scenes, there exists a thriving ecosystem of professionals who play pivotal roles in bringing these shows to life and ensuring their…

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How Much Does It Cost To Start a Podcast?

a guy contemplating the questions: how much it costs to start a podcast? He's at a desk with microphone, and a though bubble of money signs. The picture is mainly earth tones.

How much does it cost to start a podcast? There’s sentiment out there that starting a podcast is an inexpensive. While this CAN be true, the costs of starting a podcast can quickly rack up. So, how much does it cost to start a podcast? Well, it depends. Are you looking to chit chat with…

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Supercast: Redefining Podcast Monetization

the word supercast spelled out in navy blue with a white background

Want to turn your podcast episodes into exclusive gold mines? Dive into Supercast, a leading podcast subscription service that’s changing the way podcasters connect with their audience. Designed specifically for podcasters, Supercast is more than just a platform—it’s a tool that empowers content creators to unlock new revenue streams and grow their listener base. Essentially,…

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Podcastle: Easily Create Podcasts with AI

podcastle logo

In the fast-paced universe of podcasting, one platform is shaking things up and rewriting the rules. – Podcastle. As an AI-powered tool, Podcastle is not just another podcasting service; it’s a game-changer. It’s an online recording and editing powerhouse that harnesses the power of AI to transform your podcasting experience. Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster…

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Goodpods: Podcast Player and Discovery App

Goodpods logo

Are you still stuck in the Stone Age, listening into your podcasts on Apple or Spotify? It’s time to step out of that yawn-inducing routine and let me introduce you to the hot new kid on the block, Goodpods. Goodpods is an award winning podcast app. As someone who practically breathes podcasts and has an…

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Buzzsprout: Features and Review

In the ever-evolving world of podcasting, Buzzsprout has emerged as one of the top podcast hosting services. As seasoned podcasters, we’ve seen firsthand how this platform has transformed the way we create and share audio content. Buzzsprout is not just another podcast hosting service; it’s a comprehensive tool that caters to both beginners and seasoned…

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Emerging Podcast Trends 2023 and Beyond

To show that this article is about podcast trends

Podcast trends have significantly shaped the industry since the advent of podcasting in early 2004. What once started as a niche hobby has transformed into a mainstream medium, engaging millions across the globe. If you follow podnews, you will note that these trends fluctuate weekly! Looking toward the future, it’s clear that these podcast trends, both…

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