Podcast Blog, Tips, Equipment and Resources

This image shows the Rodecaster Pro in all it's glory.

What Makes The RodeCaster Pro So Amazing?

By podcast | March 30, 2022

As podcasting becomes a lucrative form of income accessible to everyone, podcasters are chomping at the bit to build their podcast studios and recording kits. But, not all podcasting setups are created equal. Maybe you already have a decent podcasting kit, but, you’re eager to level up your sound. Or,…

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Why You Should Transcribe Your Podcasts

By podcast | March 15, 2022

One of the most important items you can place in your toolbox for marketing is transcribing your podcast. Why should you transcribe your podcast? Your transcription will become an invaluable source to draw in a wider audience to your podcast by making it more accessible to those who may not…

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Audiograms and Social Media to Promote Podcasts

Using Audiograms to Promote Podcasts

By podcast | March 5, 2022

Audiograms are undoubtedly one of the best ways to promote podcasts. An audiogram is a snippet of audio, embedded into a social media post. They’re designed with animated audio waves that move in sync with your audio clip. They also have captions. Captions are important because the majority of people…

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What Is An RSS Feed For Podcasting?

By podcast | February 22, 2022

Really Simple Syndication feed or RSS feed, may seem less than simple if you have no clue what it is or what it does for you as a podcaster to begin with. Let’s dispel the myth that this is some technically challenging mobo jumbo, and free your mind from the…

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The stress of trying to write good show notes

How To Write Show Notes For Your Podcast

By podcast | February 17, 2022

It’s important that your relationship with your audience extends beyond audio. This is where show notes come in. Podcast show notes are a written description of the content covered in an episode. Show Notes can be viewed by clicking on an episode’s info within podcast listening apps. Many podcasters also…

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The Four Pillars of Podcasting Review

By podcast | January 27, 2022

We know, We know, we are all eager to launch our podcast. But, if you’re even a bit familiar with the adage “measure twice, cut once”, then you will hang in there before we move forward to that fourth and final pillar, which is “Launch and Marketing”. We spent a…

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Showing a podcast cover on an iphone

How To Create Great Podcast Cover Art

By admin | January 17, 2022

Never judge a book by it’s cover. Ha! More often than not, that is exactly how a book is judged, at first, and then of course by reading the back or inside of that cover. Your podcast cover art is not very different. Your podcast cover art is the first…

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The Best 5 Places To Get Royalty-Free Podcast Music

By podcast | January 12, 2022

Hey Poddy People, Before you even launch the first episode of your brand new podcast, you’re gonna need some tunes to set the vibe. Music isn’t just an afterthought; it’s a crucial element that helps set the tone for your show and allows listeners to connect more deeply with you…

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Advanced Podcast Editing Tips - The Podcast Haven

Advanced Podcast Editing Tips

By podcast | December 28, 2021

You will always need to do some podcast editing to remove stutters, gaps, gaffs, and outright mistakes. We believe podcasts should be clean and polished. We also believe in making people sound as smart as they really are. To achieve this, The Podcast Haven editors are always advancing their podcast…

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Online Tools for Basic Podcast Editing

By podcast | December 27, 2021

So you’re not ready to invest in a digital audio workspace of your own at this point in time, or perhaps you aren’t comfortable enough with the one you bought. Understandable, everyone works in their own time and within their own budget. Fear not, if you are saving your dimes…

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